Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reality YouTube

Seth and Max Real #1 How to make Nuka Cola was uploaded yesterday, in which we videotape ourselves making Nuka-Cola based off a recipie by Aznz888 on the Facepunch forum. Seth and Max Real is in one of four Seth and Max catagories; Episode, PSA, Real, and Reviews, which will be coming soon. The first two reviews will be Fallout 3 and maybe Call of Duty 5's Natzi Zombies content.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Seth and Max Episode 4: Source Citation has been uploaded now. Probably the shortest episode so far, and you might not understand it unless you have seen popular videos like How to be Ninja, Fred, the Retarted Policeman, and that sort of stuff. Don't get too confused.

Seth is crazy.

Seth and Max Episode 3: Hy(per)brid was uploaded last night. The name was changed slightly to indicate the fusion of the words hyper and hybrid. I couldn't find my kick-awesome hat at the time, so I was absent for most of the episode (being at a convention) . If you've already seen it, you'll know why this post is titled "Seth is crazy." Seriously, though, when I was trying to get the video uploaded into the coumpter, he taped over parts of it. This guy is a nutcase.