Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had planned to film and post A Seth And Max Christmas on Christmas Eve, but since we were too pre-occupied spending time with the family, we decided to post it a year early! WE'RE NOT LATE YOU INTERNET PEOPLE WHO YELL AT PEOPLE FOR POSTING THINGS LATE! HA HA! Or this could be for all you people who prefer watching holiday videos when it isn't a holiday.

Merry Christmas and KickAwesome!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It has come to my attention that there exists various foods, that, when blended with cheese, become an entirely new kind of food. (CheeseCake, CheeseBurgers, CheeseSteak, etc.) I decided to come up with my own list of "CheeseFoods".

1. CheeseDonut
2. CheeseFish
3. CheeseBacon
4. CheeseSpam
5. CheeseTurkey
6. CheeseCookie
7. CheeseFudge
8. CheeseGravy
9. CheeseSausage
10. CheesePudding

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Seth and Max Episode 5: Outdoorsmorons was uploaded last night. A quarter of the way into the episode, we meet Seth's white Husky, Kairi. Yeah, yeah, she's soooooooo cute. Sargent Alex, a charecter from the upcoming Seth and Max prequel comic, July, was mentioned, and you would get the "Him?!" joke if you read it. Next we're planning on either the Fallout 3 Review or an episode called "iMadi".

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Max Bio

Maxwell Ryan Harbauk is a cross between Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue), Optimus Prime (Transformers), and Charlie Brown (Peanuts).

Max has two main Multiple personalities: Naieve Max and Awesome Max. Recently, they switch places more smoothly, transitioning better while in combat. Naieve Max can be regognized by random exclamations such as "I want cake!". Awesome Max can be regognized by headstrong displays of skill.

For hand-to-hand combat, Max uses a red K.I.D.S. traning longsword or when push comes to shove, his fists.

In contrast to Seth, Max prefers handheld weapons, however, he uses a consealed missle launcher on his wrist as a last resort.

His main weapon, or weapons would be more accurate, is his X-Pistol, a prototype weapon that can scan and turn into any handheld weapon or device that duplicates the target's abilities. After scanning a weapon, one can access its data and use it over long periods of time.
Max's Catchphrase is "Let's Rock!"

Seth Bio

Seth is a cross between Spongebob Squarepants, Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribean), and Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)

His hyperactive personality is dominant in his life, which influnces his combat stratigies and also causes Max to believe that he is insane.
Seth prefers to use two-handed weapons like Shotguns and M-16s, but also uses an Uzi (currently broken) or a pistol when nessacary.
His favorite video game is Fallout 3 (bethsetta softworks) and owns a PS3 and an Xbox 360.
His cell phone turns into his Trenchgun, and his cathphrase is "Let's Roll!"

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reality YouTube

Seth and Max Real #1 How to make Nuka Cola was uploaded yesterday, in which we videotape ourselves making Nuka-Cola based off a recipie by Aznz888 on the Facepunch forum. Seth and Max Real is in one of four Seth and Max catagories; Episode, PSA, Real, and Reviews, which will be coming soon. The first two reviews will be Fallout 3 and maybe Call of Duty 5's Natzi Zombies content.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Seth and Max Episode 4: Source Citation has been uploaded now. Probably the shortest episode so far, and you might not understand it unless you have seen popular videos like How to be Ninja, Fred, the Retarted Policeman, and that sort of stuff. Don't get too confused.

Seth is crazy.

Seth and Max Episode 3: Hy(per)brid was uploaded last night. The name was changed slightly to indicate the fusion of the words hyper and hybrid. I couldn't find my kick-awesome hat at the time, so I was absent for most of the episode (being at a convention) . If you've already seen it, you'll know why this post is titled "Seth is crazy." Seriously, though, when I was trying to get the video uploaded into the coumpter, he taped over parts of it. This guy is a nutcase.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Roll Call

Okay, so far on YouTube we have Episode 0: Introduction, Episode 1: Fallouting, Episode 2: Idiots from Another Planet, and PSA#1. You can view these below.
Right now Episode 3: Hyperbrid is in the "To YouTube" folder for our producer, and I'm putting the finishing touches on Episode 4: Source Citation and Seth and Max Real#1.

Kick Back and Kick Awesome

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello internet. You may know me as Max Harbauk from the webseries Seth and Max by Pizza Entertainment.
Since I do all the grunt work like capturing videos to the coumpter, editing videos, sending videos for our producer to upload, and drawing comics, I decided to make a blog. It will have behind-the-senes info, comics, and how I hate doing grunt work, over the course of time on this blog.

Anyways, Kick Back and Kick Awesome.

...Oh, and check the videos to the right to El-Oh-El (LOL).